Bento- Japanese father’s my own box lunch

親父があさ5時に起きて作る弁当 Japanese father’s box lunch


親父の弁当 Japanese father’s box lunch everyday

12月29日 今日は米を大阪市に運んでいく。 30キロを6袋。 米の単位は時代で変わる。米俵は一俵。 一俵は現在の単位で60キロ。 私はとても60キロを担ぐことはできない。 現在使用されている米袋は30キロ。やはり担ぐことはできない。手でなんとか持てるだけだ…

親父の弁当 Japanese father’s box lunch

今日は仕事はなし。少し早めに休みに入った。退職したら、休みが多くなった。これは良いことかな。 そのかわり給料は安いよ。 昼食の費用を減らすためにやってきた弁当作り。思えば子供の弁当は長いこと使ってきたな。だから弁当を作ることは本当に楽しい。 …

親父の弁当 Japanese father’s box lunch everyday

今日はお勤めの年内最終日 外は寒い。子供は今札幌にいるが、外には出られないと言っていた。猛吹雪。 冷蔵庫を見ると、ベーコンの残り、キャベツの残り、ちくわがあった。 昨夜の肉じゃがの汁が残っていたので、それにちくわを入れ煮る。 ウインナーソーセ…

親父の弁当 Japanese father’s box lunch everyday

最近親を連れて和歌山県有田川町に行った。 冬でも暖かい、海に近い、南向きの山のいたるところがみかんの木で埋め尽くされている。 そうここはオレンジ王国なのだ。 静岡、愛媛と並ぶみかんの生産地。 足が痛くて閉じこもりがちな親父を連れて行った。 暖か…

親父の弁当Japanese father’s bentou everyday

今日もまた朝5:20に目覚まし時計が鳴った。 何年も朝、弁当を作るために早起きしていると、目覚まし時計が鳴る前に意識は起きている。目覚まし時計がなるのを待っている自分がいるのがわかる。 さて今日の弁当は、冷蔵庫にあった腐りかけのインゲン豆、鳥を…

Bentou-Japanese father’s box lunch everyday

Year 2017 will be the end. Yesterday I ate Xmas cake which my son bought it near his office. He started to work from this October. Rice: The dried bonito with Japanese taste and sea cabbage and toasted and seasoned laver Side dish: Fried e…

Bentou by Japanese Ojisan everyday

Rice: With dried cod fish flaks “furikake” Side dish: “Shu mai”: Steamed meet dumpling Chinese baked sausage ”Okonomiyaki”: savoury pancake containing meat or seafood and vegetables Okonomiyaki has a lot of variations in Japan. Hiroshimaya…

Japanese father’s my own box lunch

It’s Tuesday today. It’s colder day by day. But I cook my box lunch everyday. It’s so fun and interesting. Today’s lunch Rice: With dried bonito Japanese taste Side dish: Baked surmon Fried chicken Scranble egg and vegitables Vegitable: On…

Japanese father’s my own box lunch

It’s warm today here. But in Hokkaido and Tohoku area and Hokuriku are so snowy. Today’s box lunch: Rice: With dried cod fish flakes salty and dried bonito flakes soy saurce and sugar taste. Side dish: Baked sausage Fried pork and green ve…

Japanese father’s Sunday lunch

Today is Sunday. My wife cooked the spaghetti with tomato saurce with basil and Parmesan cheese. Delicious! The metal equipment is what we call “Oroshigane”. With this device I make Wasabi paste from Japanese horseradish. When I cook the s…

Japanese father’s Saturday lunch

Today is day off too. So I did a lot of house chores like taking the bricks to the garden to separate the aria between the plants and the earth. Then I went to the South harber aria of Osaka what we call “Nankou aria” with my family. Yeste…

Japanese father’s box lunch 365 days

Today is my day off. I work four days per week, What we call part timers. I retired two years ago. Now I have no pentions. After getting it I must work because another pension will start to pay when I will be 65 years old. Japanese pension…

Japanese father’s box lunch 365 days

Now it’s 5:30 am Dec.14.2017. I found the frozen Hamburg in the refuge. At the same time I found the mash potato salad. I decided to make it to gratan. So I put the cheese on it and into the special plate for the oven and baked it. But I f…

Japanese father’s box lunch 365 days

Rice: With spiced codfish Side dish: Fried beaf and Chinese cabbage with oyster source and soy saurce Fried egg and boiled carrot boiled fish stick included great burdock with Japanese popular taste Boiled calli flower @Japanese popular ta…

Japanese father’s box lunch 365 days

Today’s box lunch Bread: bucket side dish: Baked sausage scranble egg and fungi Boiled Cauliflower with salt Boiled Japanese fried toufu with soy saucer and sugar and saki I ate this as my break first. The upper photo is the small park nea…

Japanese father’s box lunch 365 days

Rice: Japanese cucamber pickles with soy saurce Dried codfish salty with sesame seeds Side dish: Griled surmon with salt and herb Boiled Radish with soy saurce and sugar and saki Ham and fried egg Cauly flower with mayonnaise Yesterday I j…

Japanese father’s box lunch 365 days

Today is Sunday. No box lunch. So next is a break first which I like usually. Tea: Earl Grey With lemon plate: muffin with cheese and baked sausages This dish is one which Tenshin Jyuba who live in Kobe kita ward in Hyougo prefectures made…

Japanese father’s box lunch 365 days

It’s cloudy. it was heavy wind Yesterday. Rice: Special fried rice included ham and onion with thin baked egg on it. Side dish: hamberg demigras saurce and boiled carrot okonomiyaki with saurce and dried thin bonito tomato and green vesita…

Japanese father’s box lunch 365 days

Rice : surmon frakes salty and laver Side dish : shaomai, Chinese pie radish pikls Fried green vegetable and egg salty Kidney bean salad Fried tofu with soy saurce and sugar, fish tasted It’s day off today. Now I work four days in a week. …

親父の弁当365日Japanese father’s box lunch

1 ごはん:ふりかけ、ノリ2 おかず:煮さばシュウマイ豚肉とインゲン、にんじんの炒め物、オイスターソース味高野豆腐 3冷蔵庫を見ると豚肉の角切りが残っていた。あたりには、にんじんとインゲン豆、それをフライパンで炒め、オイスターソース、トンカツソー…

親父の弁当365日 A Japanese father’s lunch box 365 days
